What our members say
Read why members say they joined the Federation

I would say one of the main reasons I am a member is that I really like receiving the monthly news letter. It really is a way for woodlot owners to keep up to date on what is going on with industry, the government and our Marketing boards. The federation has been around a long time and has a relationship with all stake holders in forestry that would be very hard to replace.
I joined because I want to support an organization that advocates for independent woodlot owners. I am interested in the information and programs related to the long term sustainability of woodlots through natural diversity within the woodlot as opposed to monoculture planting.
My interest is to become more knowledgeable about the Forest Industry, My goal is to maximize profit for my woodlots by getting more knowledge of how to maintain a woodlot by keeping wildlife at max, maintain a friendly ecosystem, and helping with climate change at the same time
The current Crown Lands and Forests Act was designed in the day when wood supply for mills was the overriding concern. Since then, other legitimate uses of our forests have increased in value, e.g. recreation, conservation, diversity, NTFP, carbon sequestration. These uses fall outside the Marketing Board’s mandate. We need an organization which has a broader scope of interests. These are a couple of reasons for supporting the NBFWO.