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Additional reading suggestions

There are MANY books, reports, guides, research papers, etc. with information about New Brunswick's forests.  Here are just a few suggestions if you would like to learn more!

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Our Atlantic Woods: 

a photo guide to non-timber forest products

Author:  R. F. Smith

Published through the Fundy Model Forest, 2010

ISBN: 978-0-9731556-4-8

This book is available for purchase through the NBFWO Shop.

The term non-timber forest products is used to describe everything other than conventional wood products (timber and pulp).  Hundreds of NTFPs can be obtained from our Atlantic forests.  This guide has been designed to help woodlot owners identify species that are growing in their woodlots as well as the types of NTFPs they can yield.  This guide is intended to help landowners identify economic opportunities as well as gain a greater appreciation of the diversity of values their woodlots hold.

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Restoring the Acadian Forest

2nd edition

A Guide to Forest Stewardship for Woodlot Owners in Eastern Canada

Author:  Jamie Simpson

Publisher:  Nimbus Publishing

A comprehensive resource for woodland owners in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, eastern Quebec, Maine, and northern New England. It explains how to maintain a healthy Acadian Forest woodlot, while restoring its economic and ecological value. The book includes practical advice on woodlot planning, tree harvesting, promoting wildlife habitat, and finding revenue sources, along with a guide to the trees of the Acadian Forest. This new edition includes new sections on legal obligations of owning woodlots and suitable small-scale equipment. This edition is fully illustrated with 120 photographs and illustrations.

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Grow Me Instead Guide for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia


In 2023, New Brunsick Invasive Species Council released the first “Grow Me Instead” guide for NB and NS in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Invasive Species Council and various dedicated partners. This guide is a reference tool for NB and NS land owners to learn about invasive horticultural plants and their recommended native alternatives. By following the practices and growing the alternatives listed in this guide, land owners can achieve a vibrant garden that teams with life while helping to protect Species at Risk and preventing the spread of invasive plants.  Visit the “Plant Wise” page (under “Programs”) on the NBISC website to access a digital version or to order a hard copy.

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Logging with Horses

Author:  Erhard Scholl

A handbook for practical forestry with horses. Translated from German, this book covers in detail horse logging as it is being performed in Europe, with an emphasis on Germany. The first half of the book covers the tools and techniques used in horse logging such as harness, chains, carts and forwarders and the strategies involved in handling a logging job. The second half of the book offers perspectives from actual loggers doing the work today. Illustrations, charts and photos throughout. Softcover. 190 pages.

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