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Your Forest in a Changing Climate

Climate Adaptation Project Case Study

To be able to explore how climate change will affect NB woodlots in the future, we are studying 4 private woodlot sites that represent not only different site conditions throughout the province but also the different goals of their owners.


Our Case Study includes a sample plot area on each woodlot consisting of a 1 acre control area (i.e. left untreated), 1 acre with traditional treatments applied, and 1 acre that is treated using recommendations from the climate adaptive silviculture prescription tool (available for download here).

The sample plot areas will remain in place for years to come, allowing for further study that will improve our knowledge about the effects of climate change on the Acadian Forest Region.

Site 1

Jorg & Gloria Beyeler

Sypher’s Cove, Grand Lake

Site 2

Conrad & Elspeth Leroux

Windsor Settlement

Site 3 

McCrea Farms


Site 4

Hazen & Karen McCrea

South Tetagouche

Case Study Sites

The 4 woodlots used for the case study are each in a different eco-region of the province. They have their own unique features and site conditions, yet are still considered quite typical New Brunswick woodlots.

Any woodlot owner in NB should be able to find similarities to their own woodlot with at least one of these sites; whether they have a lot balsam fir and are wondering what to do with it, or they want to add some species diversity to a solid softwood stand, or are dealing with a damp, mossy area.

On each woodlot study area, foresters took sample plot readings to establish the species on site and the timber volumes. They took note of average stand age, percent crown closure, regeneration status, ground conditions and the history of the area.


Download the Case Study write-up (2022)

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