Ads Board
Post an ad
Listings automatically expire 30 days after posting. Your Name and Email address are required, and (optionally) your phone number for people to be able to reach you. You can Cancel or Edit your posting at any time by using the 'Manage your ads' button
** Ads are reviewed and any found containing inappropriate content such as political commenting, discrimination, swearing, adult content, etc, will be removed without notice and the user will be banned. **
Members can post anything for FREE
Looking to buy / sell / trade something? Have a question? Want to share information? Looking to hire?
Post here and reach a wider audience!
cost: $10 to place an ad for 30 days.
Members receive a discount of $10, so their postings are FREE.
MEMBERS - please sign in to receive FREE posting priviledges
NON-MEMBERS - You MUST fill out your complete address - including City, Province, and Postal Code. If you do not include all of the information the software may charge an incorrect amount (or default to American dollors) and if so, then we will need to invoice you for the difference.