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Your Forest in a Changing Climate

Climate Adaptation Project Case Study

This is not your typical case study.  The woodlot sites chosen will continue to grow and change over the years, and this document will be updated to reflect those changes. 

The climate is changing, and we need to consider this in our silviculture planning and decision-making for the future.  There is climate information available from many sources to help you understand how the climate has already changed and how it’s projected to change in the future.  Start using this information now and know you will likely need to adjust course over time as you learn more, the information available improves, and your goals and situation evolve.

We know that there are a range of possible climate futures.  There isn’t a “most likely” emissions scenario or climate projection, and you will need to select the most relevant climate information for your particular woodlot, risk tolerance and planning horizon.  

You know your woodlot best.  Climate information is another piece of information that you can layer into your pre-existing knowledge for decision-making.  We know enough to be able to use climate information to adapt to the future changing climate conditions in New Brunswick.

If you have questions, remember that you are not alone.  Contact your local Forest Products Marketing Board for additional information and keep your silviculture management plan up to date. 

As mentioned previously, we will continue to monitor the case study sample plot areas on the four private woodlot sites for the foreseeable future in order to provide updates to the data (volumes, conditions, etc.).  The plan is to revisit the sites every five years.  All of the information presented in this case study is available on the NBFWO website (, with a page dedicated to each of the case study sites.  All updates to site data will be able to be found there as well.

We look forward to watching the sites evolve and reporting back on the progress made, the unexpected happenings that are bound to occur, and on the efficiency of the Climate Adaptive Silviculture Prescription Tool.

Please stay tuned.

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