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Your Forest in a Changing Climate

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A healthy and resilient forest is a productive forest.

Whether your goals for your woodlot include timber volume, carbon sequestration, biodiversity, recreation, or all of the above - managing your woodlot for the future means making decisions today that take our changing climate into consideration.

Building the Capacity of New Brunswick Woodlot Owners to Adapt to Climate Change

The title of the project may have been long, but the outcomes from it will last even longer!


Between 2019-2022, the NBFWO led a project to build the capacity of small private woodlot owners to adapt to changing environmental conditions.  This project was supported by Natural Resources Canada’s Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) Program, GNB’s Environmental Trust Fund, as well as through work by our project partners, Community Forests International, University of New Brunswick and the NB Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development.

The project goals were to educate woodlot owners so they would be better able to make management decisions for their woodlots that not only met their own goals for their woodlot but also took into consideration the impacts of a changing climate, potential carbon sequestration, and implementation of best management practices, resulting in forests that are more climate resilient.

How did we do it?

  • created a climate adaptive silviculture prescription tool, with guidleines that incorporate climate change adaptation and carbon sequestration (aka "the Tool"),

  • held workshops and webinars with woodlot owners and forestry professionals to raise awareness about climate change impacts on forests in New Brunswick,

  • created a training video series,

  • held a 2-day online conference highlighting the work of the project and some of the research work being done by other groups and UNB masters students,

  • created a Case Study.  The case study will continue for many years as we watch, record and learn from 4 different woodlots throughout the province.

Use the tabs above to learn more - explore the Case Study, watch the video series and recordings from the webinars and conference, download "the Tool".

Although funding for this project has ended, new information about adapting our forests to climate change, and updates regarding the Case Study sites, will continue to be added to our website.

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