Become a member

Membership is $40 + HST = $46 per year.
Please note:
individuals with less than 10 hectares (25 acres) do not qualify for provincial silviculture programs and do not receive voting rights at the NBFWO AGM, but do receive all other benefits.
All are welcome to join the Federation and receive our newsletter, learn about events, and receive other membership benefits.
You can choose to pay:
online with a credit card, or
offline by e-transfer or mailing a cheque
Please make cheques payable to:
and mail to:
PO Box 30003, Prospect Plaza
Fredericton, NB E3B 0H8
Send e-transfers to:
If you prefer to fill out a paper copy of the membership form and mail it to us, you can download the form here.
Please fill out as much information as possible in the form below. All of your information is kept private and certain details (such as how you heard about the Federation) can help us better serve our members.
You MUST fill out your complete address - including City, Province, and Postal Code. If you do not include all of the information you may be charged an incorrect amount (or default to American dollors) and if so, then we will need to invoice you for the difference.
You will receive an emailed receipt. If you do not receive the receipt, please check your spam folder and mark our emails as 'safe' so you don't miss any updates!